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I'm finally here!! it is an amazing, beautiful place! and its so hot :) i will be uploading some pictures tomorrow of the city and everything. So just letting you guys know its amazing here
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Sorry & A Quick Update

Hello people! So sorry I haven't been on for a while, been so busy with work and everything in between. Quick update; I got my flights for Germany now, a week on Saturday! So excited :) I will definitely keep you guys posted more often now

Sketchbook Pages

Hello!! Here is some pages from my old sketch book from my last project. My inspiration was nature and Autumn. so I chose Autumnal colours and based everything around that! my first post was my finial out come, it was a wallpaper piece. I also used Brusho, I love that stuff! Also the photographs in there are my own I took at the local grange. Very short and sweet today folks!!! Enjoy :)


Good morning to you all! and what a great day it is already. I am starting the day with some smooth jazz, Scott Hamilton to be correct. Anyway today is going to be a quiet Sunday, no work just doing some art and relaxing. I hope your weekend was as eventful as mine, yesterday i did a dance festival in the morning what then led me on to go to the annual local Rock on the Rocks. Basically music all night in a field, just the way I like to spend my Saturday evenings. good people, good vibes and music....what else could a girl ask for ? Hopefully i will be posting my finish triptych wall art pieces soon, so watch out for them! Have a lovely Sunday people. Stay happy :)

Quick Update

Hey people!! Sorry I haven't been on this weekend, I've been busy with work and art, just a quick update on everything, Bauhaus soon, cannot wait! words cannot comprehend how excited I am, I'm looking forward to being in a different country on my own and been able to do whatever I want and seeing the town, I also want to go travelling on my own one day so I guess this will determinate if I can handle it, be free for two weeks, and also to learn obviously. This month is going to be crazy with getting flights and everything sorted and finishing school for the summer. I hope you guys have a lot planned this summer, if you're in college or sixth form, try and go to a summer school while you're off, it will give you a really good chance before you pick any university to see if you like the environment and if you can handle it! Stay happy people and never forget you can accomplish anything if you put your mind to it :)

What a Crazy Week!

What a crazy week!! I didn't think I would be rushing around this much come last week, but what has to be done to get your work done. Today has been eventful, I have started painting my triptych pieces. I tried a new technique and it worked out very well, I am very happy with the outcome. I did a Monet style painting technique and I absolutely love it. I am hoping to finish them all by Monday...Fingers crossed! I will post some pictures of the finished pieces for you. Hopefully if people like them I will make more and hopefully sell them. If anyone is interested in a unique wall art piece please contact me for further information. I would also like to thank a few special teachers who have helped me very much over the past few weeks. Miss Foster, thank you so much for everything you do for me with my work and everything else in in between, listening to me ramble on day after day! I really appreciate you. Also Mr Bowyer, Now Mr Bowyer is an amazing teacher and has helped me ever sinc

Something New

Hello! Welcome to day two of my blog, just would like to keep you posted on what is going on. Today i started with triptych wall pieces, I am inspired by the art movement Art Nouveau, I love this movement because it is nature based. I am very intrigued in learning new techniques and developing my skills, and drawing in the style of Art Nouveau is something very new to me. Surprisingly I am quite good, well I have been told ha ha! I am mainly basing my triptych wall pieces on nature, mainly flowers and insects. When researching Art Nouveau I found that all the pieces we the same, the same structure and colours, but at the same time every artist has their own interpretations on them. I am really fascinated in the work of William Morris and Denys Montjoie , I find their work very intriguing and beautiful, one of my favorite pieces is shown below, The colours Montijoie uses are very  contrasting and I especially like the colours he uses. I also really admire Morris, he has to be one of my