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What a Crazy Week!

What a crazy week!! I didn't think I would be rushing around this much come last week, but what has to be done to get your work done. Today has been eventful, I have started painting my triptych pieces. I tried a new technique and it worked out very well, I am very happy with the outcome. I did a Monet style painting technique and I absolutely love it. I am hoping to finish them all by Monday...Fingers crossed! I will post some pictures of the finished pieces for you. Hopefully if people like them I will make more and hopefully sell them. If anyone is interested in a unique wall art piece please contact me for further information. I would also like to thank a few special teachers who have helped me very much over the past few weeks. Miss Foster, thank you so much for everything you do for me with my work and everything else in in between, listening to me ramble on day after day! I really appreciate you. Also Mr Bowyer, Now Mr Bowyer is an amazing teacher and has helped me ever since year 9. He has taught me so much over the past few years and I might not be where I am now if it wasn't for him. So a big thank you for everything and all the times I nag you with my issues. You both are amazing! Please keep coming back to visit my blog, I feel that the next few months are going to be a roller coaster and I cant wait! I finally feel like my adventure is really coming true.


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