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Showing posts from July, 2015

Sorry & A Quick Update

Hello people! So sorry I haven't been on for a while, been so busy with work and everything in between. Quick update; I got my flights for Germany now, a week on Saturday! So excited :) I will definitely keep you guys posted more often now

Sketchbook Pages

Hello!! Here is some pages from my old sketch book from my last project. My inspiration was nature and Autumn. so I chose Autumnal colours and based everything around that! my first post was my finial out come, it was a wallpaper piece. I also used Brusho, I love that stuff! Also the photographs in there are my own I took at the local grange. Very short and sweet today folks!!! Enjoy :)


Good morning to you all! and what a great day it is already. I am starting the day with some smooth jazz, Scott Hamilton to be correct. Anyway today is going to be a quiet Sunday, no work just doing some art and relaxing. I hope your weekend was as eventful as mine, yesterday i did a dance festival in the morning what then led me on to go to the annual local Rock on the Rocks. Basically music all night in a field, just the way I like to spend my Saturday evenings. good people, good vibes and music....what else could a girl ask for ? Hopefully i will be posting my finish triptych wall art pieces soon, so watch out for them! Have a lovely Sunday people. Stay happy :)